“I think Garlands changed everything! It was completely ahead of its time. We threw the wildest parties - we weren’t afraid to push the boundaries of clubbing... People loved it and still miss it today.”

One of the UK’s most iconic gay clubs sadly closed its doors in 2019 after 25 years of hardcore partying. Launched in 1993, Garlands revolutionised the Liverpool queer scene as it was the first gay venue to obtain a 6am dance licence. The five-room club played funky house, techno, and disco music, with Saturday nights offering live performances and fashion shows - attracting clubbers from Manchester, London and beyond. The Gardland’s party spread out of Eberle Street and onto the Mersey River. In the early 2000s, “Garlands Fairies Across the Mersey” saw 400 clubbers board the iconic Royal Daffodil. Today, Garlands continues to be missed by many.

Garlands Party Bus, July 1998. Courtesy of Shaun Duggan.

Garlands, 2000. Courtesy of Shaun Duggan.

Garlands Party Bus, July 1998.

Garlands Party Bus, July 1998. Courtesy of Shaun Duggan.

Disco Divas Go! Garlands 1999. Courtesy of Shaun Duggan.